Plant Based BBQ Chick'n & Maple Sweet Potatoes

Plant Based BBQ Chick'n & Maple Sweet Potatoes

Satisfy your cravings with our Gourmet BBQ Vegan Chick'n, served with maple Sweet potatoes, for a flavorful and healthy meal

Available sizes:

Slim&Fit 4 oz Protein MaxMuscle-6 oz Protein

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Slim&Fit 4 oz Protein | $12.95

MaxMuscle-6 oz Protein | $14.95

Maple Sweet Potatoes (Sweet Potatoes, Ground Cinnamon, Maple syrup, Avocado Oil), Pulled Chick'n Vegan, White Onions, Pre Made BBQ Sauce (Barbeque Sauce), Sauteed Red Cabbage (Garlic, Onion Powder, Red Cabbage, Spices Salt Free, Rice Vinegar, Water)

Slim&Fit 4 oz Protein portion
  • Calories: 340
  • Protein: 21.55gr
  • Total Carbohydrate: 52.14gr
  • Total Fat: 5.87gr
MaxMuscle-6 oz Protein portion
  • Calories: 454
  • Protein: 29.03gr
  • Total Carbohydrate: 69.25gr
  • Total Fat: 8.04gr

Microwave 2-3 minutes depending on the power of your microwave. Remove lid before heating.

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